CTST Points Registry

You can find your competitor number and check your points here!

Results are posted through Dance N Play and Colorado Country Classic (June 2024)!

If you find any issues with the CTST Points Registry, please email info@countrytwosteptour.com.

CTST Divisions

  • Novice – CTST Competitors with less than 15 Novice points AND no other skill-division points.Professional two step dancers may not dance in Novice in their primary role. They must file a petition to dance in a higher skill division. Example: A professional leader must dance in Intermediate or higher as a leader but may dance in Novice as a follower.
  • Intermediate – CTST competitors with at least one Intermediate point OR at least 15 Novice points.
  • Advanced – CTST competitors wiht at least one Advanced point OR at least 30 Intermediate points.
  • All Stars – CTST competitors with at least one All Stars point OR at least 45 Advanced points.
  • Masters – CTST competitors whose age is 50 years or more.

Contact Us

Events or CTST past and future competitors can email us at info@countrytwosteptour.com.