CTST Playlists

Find Two Step song suggestions for a variety of purposes here!

Two Step Songs Categorized by Use

Top 10 Novice/Intermediate

These 10 Two Step songs are recommended for a Novice- or Intermediate-level CTST competition. They are of appropriate speed (160-180 bpm) and musical complexity allowing dancers to show good timing and rhythm.

Top 10 Advanced/All Stars

These 10 Two Step songs are recommended for an Advanced- or All Star-level CTST competition. They are of appropriate speed (180-215 bpm) and musical complexity allowing dancers to show good timing, rhythm, and musicality.


These Two Step songs are also recommended for a Novice- or Intermediate-level CTST competition in order to promote a diversity of music played.

Advanced/All Stars

These Two Step songs are also recommended for an Advanced- or All Stars-level CTST competition in order to promote a diversity of music played.

Double Time Songs

You can dance Two Step to these songs but you must count them double time such that you count to eight for every four beats of music.

Teaching Songs

These Two Step songs are great for teaching as they have a strong driving beat that is easy to hear and are slow (140-160 bpm).

Two Step Songs Categorized by Decade

Two Step Songs Categorized by Speed

Coming In The Future

A guide for DJs to use when selecting music for CTST and other similar Two Step competitions

Contact Us

 DJs or others interested in these playlists can email us with questions at info@countrytwosteptour.com.